I adopted a bird

On my summer solstice walk tonight, I rescued a baby bird that would probably otherwise have been food for a wandering cat or dog. He is a cutie. I think I'll name him Oscar.

So far he is enjoying living in a white box that is meant for storing school papers. He has a birdbath (plastic plate filled with water) and some bread crumbs. I think he's settling in.

So far Manolo the cat hasn't really noticed him. I think that's a good thing.

More to come soon!


  1. This is Susan from Cooper (aka the bird carrier!). I'm so glad to hear Oscar is settling into his new home! He is lucky to have you! All the best with this venture.

  2. Thanks Susan! I'm glad you guys found him. He's a cutie :) He misses you!!! I'll tell him you are well :)


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