It's time for the RootsTech family history conference... Here's the hymn "High on the Mountaintop!"
This week is the RootsTech conference, and I’m thinking about family history! In this video you’re going to hear 4 wonderful verses of the family history hymn “Hi on the Mountaintop.” Which one is your favorite? Be sure to tell us in the comments! Watch to the end of the video! I’m Lisa Higbee. Please like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more great content with communication, communication through song, speech, language, diction, and voice. If you make a great comment I will reply! What hymn would you like to hear me sing? What are your favorite family history hymns? Please leave a comment below. And please share the video if you know someone who might enjoy it. 1. High on the mountain top A banner is unfurled. Ye nations, now look up; It waves to all the world. In Deseret's sweet, peaceful land, On Zion's mount behold it stand! 2. For God remembers still His promise made of old That he on Zion's hill Truth's standard would unfold! Her light ...