South Pacific Audition

I dressed. I warmed up. I packed up all my audition gear: music, make-up, change of clothes in case I want to go to dance class afterwards.

The door buzzes.

I ignore it.

It buzzes again.

"Hello?" I ask tentatively, hoping for the UPS guy, something not too difficult.

"It's the missionaries!!"

Happiness. Indecision.

"What's up?"

The missionaries happily tell me that they've had a great chat with one of my neighbors. One whom I've invited to church several times without results. I'm listening.

"Come on up."

The missionaries greet me with their normal ebullience. Since they're not allowed in my apartment we have a great discussion on my doorstep. One of my neighbors walks by. The missionaries invite him to church. They ask if there's anything they can do for me. I tell them, actually, yes, that I'd been meaning to say hi to one of my new neighbors but just hadn't had the drive. They cheerfully volunteer to be a part of it.

I reach into my fridge, grateful that I took the time to bake some bread the day before, and sad that I left if in the oven for just a smidge too long. Should still taste okay though, and be a nice neighborly gesture.

As we head to my neighbor's apartment, someone walks out of the apartment that's been under renovation for the last several months according to my estimation. And it's not a worker. It looks like a resident.

A new neighbor!!!

I introduce myself, hand him the bread, and extend welcome greetings. He smiles gratefully and looks slightly amused at my enthusiasm as I welcome him and introduce missionaries. He promises to enjoy the bread.

"What can we do for you?" the missionaries ask me as we head toward public transportation.

"Pray that I'll have a good audition," I reply.

They happily nod and make a couple of street contacts as they cluster with those waiting for the bus.


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