
I started to write an entry in the form of the children's book Fortunately/Unfortunately. Fortunately, it's a fun way to write. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I can't flip flop between fortunately and unfortunately evenly like they do in the children's book! It seems I just have to write fortunately or unfortunately as it comes, and it ended up being mostly fortunately.

So here's what came pouring from my fingers tonight:

Fortunately, I went to auditions today for Pittsburgh Light Opera's fabulous season which includes some shows which have music I really love, like The Student Prince and Hairspray. Unfortunately (for me), the auditioners were seeing only members of equity, the actor's union. Unfortunately, I am not yet a member of actor's equity. Fortunately, I had brought food and a couple of knitting projects so I could at least sit down and eat my lunch in a friendly place before going home. Fortunately, I at least got to see Abby Brady-Dalton, who is one of my favorite casting directors, for a brief moment. Fortunately, I have a few audition friends who were there and we had a friendly chat. Fortunately, I got home in time to finish my laundry and then very fortunately got to end the evening with my friend Amber's salsa class (as in the dance) and my friend Joy's homemade pizza (as in, Italian). Yum. Fortunately.


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