Blooming Arts Festival...

So I've been thinking about my submission to the Blooming Arts Festival coming up in a couple of weeks and how to make it a truly wonderful expression of my faith and my testimony of scripture.

This weekend I attended an amazing symposium-- a conference hosted by the young single adult organization of the New York Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to commemorate the 400th Anniversary of the King James Version of the Bible. I loved it! The presenters helped me take stock of my Bible awareness. I was reminded of the importance of becoming aware of language and culture in order to gain a better understanding of the context from which the Bible came. I was enlightened as to several modern translations of the Bible that are doctrinally consistent with LDS teachings. Best of all, I heard live testimony from living apostles, seers, and revelators about the truths in the Bible and the incredible opportunity the Bible gives us to learn about God's patterns as he works with man. I learned about the dispensations of the gospel and about the prophets who have been called to work in each dispensation.

I feel inspired to prepare myself more to create a piece of performance art using the talents God has graciously given me and allowed me to develop!!!!!!

I hope you'll join with me and my friends on June 25 at 1815 Riverside for performance pieces that begin at 6 pm. Salvation and this arts festival are free :)


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