Excerpt from my first novel, The Authoress... circa 2004.

Writing a novel is a great way to improve your language skills!!

Here's an excerpt from my first complete novel, written about 6-7 years ago. Enjoy!

It all started the day they had the assembly at her school with The Author. Helooked normal. He had brown hair, bespectacled eyes, and a beard and moustache. Hewore a suit, smiled, and held a book in his hand. As he looked over the vast group of assembled children, poking at each other, laughing, and looking at him curiously, he smiled in a very relaxed way. He and the principal were having a little conversation and seemed to be good friends...

Then he began to speak. And when he spoke, everyone became quiet. He had a soft voice, but he talked of the most wonderful things. He talked about creating worlds. He talked about creating people. He talked about writing stories.

He said that in your stories, you could decide everything. You could decide whoyou wanted in your story, how tall they were, and what they liked to eat for dinner. You could decide how they dressed, whether they had any pets, and what kind of toothpaste they used. But most importantly, you could decide what happened to them, and how their best dreams came


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