Where can I hear Lisa sing?

People have been asking me this lately, so...

One place is this blog!! It has links to videos and recordings that should give you some awesome singing moments :)

Another place is... 144 W 15th Street in Manhattan on Sundays in a church service starting at around 1:15 pm on the 4th floor!! I sing there almost every Sunday in a free and beautiful service that is primarily conducted in American Sign Language (ASL) so as to be accessible to an ASL crowd, but it also has some great aurally audible musical moments thanks to my friends Jami and Richard Gordon-Smith, my parents Tom and Diane Higbee, lots of LDS full-time missionaries, and more!!!!! It's a beautiful and inspiring service, and I love singing there :)

See you in church!!



  1. So glad you found my blog. Glad to connect with a fellow East coaster. Your voice, as I recall, was amazing! People should show up to see you live.


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